

Listen to Fred Taylor discuss his off-season training with Pete Bommarito of Bommarito Performance Systems. Fred trains along side teammate Wes Welker and former teammate Maurice Jones-Drew.


June 20th, 2011 by


New Kerr Athletics video featuring Sijo David Kerr, Coach Himebauch, Sean Ching, Trask Losefa demonstrating the Kerr Athletics revolutionizing Football techniques which utilize the maximum level of leverage, speed, strenght and fast twitch explosion to take to the next level.

June 19th, 2011 by


While jogging, pay attention to overall body form, posture and breathing. Get jogging tips from a fitness trainer in this free video on running.

Expert: Samuel Harvell
Bio: Samuel Harvell is certified through the National Endurance Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) and is an experienced running coach.
Filmmaker: Bing Hu

June 19th, 2011 by


To measure your running stride, don’t overextend to maintain good running form. Measure your stride with tips from a fitness trainer in this free video on running.

Expert: Samuel Harvell
Bio: Samuel Harvell is certified through the National Endurance Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) and is an experienced running coach.
Filmmaker: Bing Hu

June 19th, 2011 by

To build running speed, incorporate speed training into a running workout with set timed goals. Run faster with tips from a fitness trainer in this free video on running.

Expert: Samuel Harvell
Bio: Samuel Harvell is certified through the National Endurance Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) and is an experienced running coach.
Filmmaker: Bing Hu

June 19th, 2011 by


ALS is a debilitating disease characterized by progressive weakness and muscle atrophy in limbs and vital organs.  Recent research has linked the possible development of ALS with activities that have increased incidence of head trauma such as full contact athletics.  This post is an attempt to provide an unabridged list of coaches, athletes and former athletes, living or dead, that have suffered the effects of this monstrous disease.  (more…)

February 14th, 2014 by

One of the hottest topics of the next few weeks will undoubtedly be the statements made in the following video:



January 19th, 2014 by

The concept of wearable art has intrigued me every since I saw an impressive collection of hand painted shirts over ten years ago.  The artist was Jason Ford of  We were both students at East Carolina University at the time.   His superior artistic ability made his works actually come to life on a wearable cloth canvas.  Inspired, I also started to paint these types shirts for my personal use and for friends.

January 11th, 2014 by

Since moving to Houston over two years ago, I have noticed one thing.  Don’t talk trash about the Texans!  Despite the terrible season the Texans had this year, there are definitely some die-hard fans down here.


January 5th, 2014 by


Before the infamous “Decision”  of 2010, I was inspired to paint this shirt depicting two men who have embodied the future of NBA Basketball.  My goal was to catch two competitors of equal caliber matching up against each other and perhaps sharing a little trash talk before the next play.




January 2nd, 2014 by


How bad do you want it?  Do you want it so bad that you cant sleep?  Do you want it so bad that you cant breathe? Watch this inspirational video.

January 5th, 2012 by